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Crossover from spin accumulation into interface states to spin injection in the germanium conduction band

Crossover from spin accumulation into interface states to spin injection in the germanium conduction band, Jain, A., Rojas Sanchez, J.C., Cubukcu, M., Peiro, J., Le Breton, J.-C., Prestat, E., Vergnaud, C., Louahadj, L., Portemont, C., Ducruet, C., Baltz, V., Barski, A., Bayle-Guillemaud, P., Vila, L., Attané, J.-P., Augendre, E., Desfonds, G., Gambarelli, S., Jaffrès, H., George, J.-M., Jamet, M., Physical Review Letters, 109, 5 (2012)

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