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Micromagnetic simulations for spintronic devices

L.D. Buda-Prejbeanu, H. Szambolics, F. Garcia-Sanchez, I. Firastrau, J.Ch. Toussaint
The effect of the spin polarized current on the magnetization dynamics is an extremely hot topic nowadays both from fundamental and applicative point of view. The micromagnetic modeling become in this context an irreplaceable prediction tool for exploring at nm length scale the magnetization distribution excited by applied field or by injected polarized current. The GL_FFT micromagnetic solver was modified to include either the Slonckewski’s term for nanopillars (STGLFFT) or the adiabatic and non-adiabatic term for nanowires (WALL_ST). It was possible thus to analyze the domain wall movement under polarized current or to plot the phase diagram field-current for the ST oscillators.


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