Roméo JUGE from SPINTEC will defend his PHD entitled :
Exploring different facets of magnetic skyrmion nucleation and dynamics in ultra-thin films
Place : CEA 17 rue des Martyrs, bat 1005 room 445 (persons who do not have a CEA badge must request an entry authorization sufficiently in advance, before January 20th at or
Abstract :
Magnetic skyrmions are chiral magnetisation windings that can be pictured as minuscule circular magnetic domains bounded by chiral domain walls. Owing to their potential nanometre size and predicted efficient current-driven motion, magnetic skyrmions hold great promise as future information carriers in high-density non-volatile memory and logic applications. Their recent observation at room temperature in material stacks consisting of heavy metal/ferromagnet/non-magnet has lifted an important bottleneck towards the practical realisation of skyrmion-based devices. [read more]