Seminar : Advanced fabrication and characterisation of three-dimensional magnetic nanowires for applications in spintronics

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On september, 21, we have the pleasure to welcome Amalio Fernández-Pacheco from Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge in Spintec. At 11H, in room 434 A, he will give a seminar entitled

Advanced fabrication and characterisation of three-dimensional magnetic nanowires for applications in spintronics”.

Three-dimensional nanomagnetism is an exciting new area of research [1], with potential applications in fields such as data storage, nanoelectronics and biology. The leap to 3D is becoming possible thanks to novels ways to synthesise and probe magnetic nanostructures. In 3D nanomagnets, new physical effects emerge, with geometry, topology and chirality becoming interlinked.

In this talk, I will show our recent work on 3D magnetic nanostructures for applications in spintronics. We are developing 3D nano-printing methods based on focused electron beams [2]. In particular, we have achieved great control over the growth of 3D magnetic nanowires for domain wall studies [3, 4]. Advanced magnetic microscopy experiments reveal the magnetic state and magnetisation reversal mechanism of the wires, dominated by their geometry and metallic composition.

Also, we have developed new strategies based on the combination of 3D nano-printing and physical vapour deposition methods, which gives us great control over the magnetic quality of 3D nanostructures. Using this approach, I will show recent studies where domain wall injection from the substrate plane into 3D nanowires has been realised [5].

During the talk, I will discuss novel methodologies to characterise 3D nanomagnets, including magneto-optical, electron and X-ray microscopy. I will also highlight key challenges and opportunities of 3D nanomagnetism.

I acknowledge funding from an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship EP/M008517/1 and from a Winton Fellowship.
[1] Fernández-Pacheco et al, Nat. Comm. 8, 15756  (2017).
[2] De Teresa et al, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 243003 (2016).
[3] Fernández-Pacheco et al, Sci. Rep. 3, 1492  (2013).
[3] Pablo-Navarro et al, J. Phys. D: Appl. Physics 50, 18LT01 (2017).
[5] Sanz-Hernández et al, arXiv:1706.03710.

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