Seminar : Opportunities and assets of a PhD in physics to work as a research engineer – An example at the high magnetic field lab

Event Details

On February, 09, we have the pleasure to welcome Nicolas BRUYANT, from Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses (Toulouse) in Spintec.
At 14H00, he will give a seminar in room 434 A.

After a presentation of the interest and challenges of physics in high magnetic field (i.e. > 50T), I will present the technical side of this large scale facility.
7 years after the defense, I will also give a quick outlook of my PhD in Spintec and show the common points with my actual work as a research engineer in instrumentation. I’ll finish my talk with examples of my actual work in CNRS in terms of science, engineering and team management.

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