On Wednesday, November 13th 2024, we have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Irinel Chiorescu from Florida State University. He will give us a seminar at 11:00 entitled :
Engineering quantum coherence and control in diluted spin systems
Place : IRIG/SPINTEC, auditorium 445 CEA Building 10.05 (access to CEA requires an entry authorization. Request it before November 02th at admin.spintec@cea.fr)
video conference : https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/j/98769867024?pwd=dXNnT3RMeThjYStybGVQSUN0TVdJdz09
Meeting ID: 987 6986 7024
Passcode: 025918
Abstract : Recently we have demonstrated experimentally the implementation of a novel and universal method to increase the decoherence time of spins qubits [1] in systems with different anisotropies / symmetries / spin-orbit coupling and type of element. The method is based on Floquet engineering of spin qubits quasi-energies by adding a second microwave drive with a frequency commensurate to that of the main Rabi drive. Qualitatively, the increase in coherence time can be linked to dynamical sweet spots (level repulsion) in quasi-energy spectra. Quantitatively, we add insight using numerical simulations [2] aiming to clarify the actual physical processes that take place in the bath surrounding the qubit. We are also exploring the potential use of spin systems as quantum memories [3] and to that effect, we have performed spectroscopic and pulsed studies of S=7/2 Gd ions placed on a coplanar stripline superconducting resonator. In the weak coupling limit, continuous-wave spectroscopy of the cavity resonance perturbation allows us to detect the forbidden electro-nuclear transition of the 155,157Gd isotopes by applying a static field almost perpendicular to crystal c-axis [4]. By increasing the coupling of the spin ensemble to the resonator we observe spin-cavity dressed states with a large mode splitting of ~150 MHz. Numerical simulations based on Dicke model shows a strong hybridization of the first excited level in the presence of a photon and the second excited level with no photon as well as a strong perturbation of the spin ground state generated by photons.
- S. Bertaina, H. Vezin, H. De Raedt, and I. Chiorescu, Experimental protection of quantum coherence by using a phase-tunable image drive, Scientific Reports 10, 1 (2020)
- De Raedt, H.; Miyashita, S.; Michielsen, K.; Vezin, H.; Bertaina, S.U.; Chiorescu, I., Sustaining Rabi oscillations by using a phase-tunable image drive, European Physical Journal B, 95 (9), 158 (2022)
- M. Blencowe, Quantum computing: Quantum RAM, Nature 468, 44 (2010).
- Franco-Rivera, G.; Cochran, J.R.; Miyashita, S.; Bertaina, S.U.; Chiorescu, I., Strong Coupling of a Gd3+ Multilevel Spin System to an On-Chip Superconducting Resonator, Physical Review Applied, 19, 024067 (2023).
Address : Department of Physics, Florida State University and the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL 32310