SPINNET – An ANR project


SPINNET stands for Microwave SPINtronics for Wireless Sensor NETworks. It is a 42-month-long ANR project. Wireless sensor networks WSN are a key technology of the Internet of things (IoT) that couples physical infrastructures with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Nowadays, sensors are everywhere, in vehicles, in habitat, in smart phones, in factories or in ground for environment monitoring (gaz, soil, traffic). For such large scale mass applications, a major concern is keeping power consumption and costs of individual components low.

The objective of SpinNet is to bring low cost and low power solutions to key components used in wireless sensor networks by exploiting recent results on spintronics microwave components. Components to ba addressed are Wake-up Radio (WuRx), energy storage via Wireless Power Harvesting and Transfer (WPH/WPT), and signal Demodulation (RxDEMOD). SpinNet capitalizes on previous achievements2 from the project partners by exploiting the best performances of one of the spintronic device classes, which are vortex magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) devices and its RF-to-DC converter function.

Spintec is more specifically in charge of device nanofabrication, their RF characterization, noise measurements.

Local contact at SPINTEC

Ursula EBELS.



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