Lundi 14 Décembre 2015 à 14H00, Amphithéâtre du CNRS bâtiment A-3ème étage – 25 rue des Martyrs, Grenoble Melle Mélissa MORCRETTE du DSM/INAC/SPINTEC soutiendra une thèse intitulée «Micro et nanoparticules pour des applications biotechnologiques : fabrication de nanoparticules par copolymère dibloc pour l’imagerie médicale ; destruction de cellules cancéreuses par vibrations magnéto-mécaniques de microparticules […]
Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 14H00, Phelma MINATEC – Amphithéâtre M001 (3 Parvis Louis Néel – 38016 Grenoble) Monsieur Antoine CHAVENT du DSM/INAC/SPINTEC soutiendra une thèse intitulée « Réduction du champ d’écriture de mémoires magnétiques à écriture assistée thermiquement à l’aide du couple de transfert de spin » Les mémoires magnétiques à accès aléatoire (MRAM) développées par […]
Conférence d’Intérêt Général – SFP : Questions de Physique. Jeudi 12 mai 2016 à 16H30. “Electronique de spin et nanomagnétisme : Des concepts de base aux applications dans les domaines de l’information, communication et biomédical“ par Bernard DIENY (SPINTEC, Université Grenoble Alpes / CEA / CNRS) L’électronique de spin exploite le spin des électrons en […]
Josep Fontcuberta, IEEE distinguished lecturer 2016, Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Spain. Summary Magnetite, Fe3O4, guided early explorers towards unknown frontiers. Since those days, oxides have been the backbone of many scientific and technological developments. When high temperature superconductors were discovered, the subsequent enthusiasm stimulated an impressive development in oxide thin film growth technologies and a deep […]
On the 20th of may, 2016, we have the pleasure to welcome in Spintec Michael Gaidis from Samsung, San Jose. At 11H, he will give a talk lecture in room 446, building 10.05 entitled ““Scaling STT-MRAM: why, how, and when?” STT-MRAM Scaling Overview: Why/How/When? Michael Gaidis, Samsung device solution, San Jose, California The presentation […]
This three day workshop, organized in the frame of the MOSAIC EC project, will gather scientists working in this and related subject areas to discuss advances on magnetization dynamics induced by and/or based on spin transfer effects and their potential for applications. It will be held just before the MML conference.
On September, 29, we have the pleasure to welcome Teruo Ono, from Kyoto University, Japan in Spintec. At 11H, we will give his IEEE Distiguished lecture on « Spin Dynamics in Inhomogeneously Magnetized Systems ». The talk will be given in room 446, building 10.05 in Spintec, CEA Grenoble. Abstract: Worldwide efforts are underway to create revolutionary and energy-efficient data […]
On Tuesday, the 18th Of October 2016 at 14h00, Fabien RORTAIS from CEA (DRF/INAC/SPINTEC), will defence his thesis “Study of injection and detection in silicon and germanium: From local measure of accumulation to non-local detection of pure spin current” Place : Grenoble INP Ense³, site GreEn-ER 21 Rue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble Since the discovery […]
On 25th October 2016 our host Institut INAC welcomes students for a presentation of internship topics proposed to host Master-2 students during Spring 2017.
The development of a non-volatile memory with unlimited endurance that can be used at the processor clock frequency is a challenge for the microelectronics industry, currently facing energy over-consumption issues related to the miniaturization and the operating speed of components. The emergence of such a memory would modify the memory hierarchy by integrating non-volatility in […]