Antiferromagnetic materials could represent the future of spintronics thanks to the interesting features they combine: they are robust against perturbation due to magnetic fields, produce no stray fields, display ultrafast dynamics and generate large magneto-transport effects. In this team, research efforts are being invested in unraveling spin-dependent transport specifities of antiferromagnets. For a review of the team latest achievements, please follow this talk.
Research topics
Spin and charge transport
Whether spin and charge currents can be injected, transmitted and converted in antiferromagnetic materials, how subsequent variations can be detected, and what is the actual influence of the magnetic order vs. defects are some of the thrilling challenges being addressed, whether it be magnons, single electrons or Cooper pairs.
To what extent and how the magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic materials shall and can be adjusted for use as functional materials in spintronic applications are some of the questions addressed in this activity, whether it be interfacial spin structures or spin textures like skyrmions.
Sub-THz dynamics
How sub-THz dynamics of antiferromagnets can promote spin pumping, and with what efficiency with respect to the damping parameter and to the transfer of angular momentum from the antiferromagnet are some of the exciting challenges addressed in this activity.
The team
Former members
- Olga Gladii, 2017-2019, now Post-Doctoral research fellow at HZDR – Germany
- Guillaume Forestier, 2016-2018, now R&D Engineer at ST-Microelectronics – France
- Miina Leiviskä, 2020-2023, now Post-Doctoral fellow at FZU – CZ
- Floris van Duijn, 2020-
- Rafael Lopes Seeger, 2018-2021, now Post-Doctoral fellow at C2N – France
- Lamprini Frangou, 2014-2017, now RUser Researcher at Pictarine – France
- Pablo Merodio also theory group, 2011-2014, now Research Associate Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain
- Kamil Akmaldinov, 2011-2015, now R&D Engineer at Crivasense technologies – France
- Laxman Nagi Reddy, 2020
- Rafael Lopes Seeger, 2018
- Jolan Barbançon, 2016
- Lamprini Frangou, 2014
- Nicolas Mante, 2011
- Safeer Chenattukuzhniyil aka. C. K. Safeer, 2011
- Marthe Chamfrault, 2010
- SUPERFAST, ANR PRC, 2022-2026
- ASK, PHC France-UK, 2021-2022
- ELSA, CEA exploratoire bottom-up, 2018-2019
- ASTRONICS, ANR JCJC, 2015-2018
- CROCUS Technology, 2012-2015
- Laboratoire IRIG/SYMMES/RICC, S. Gambarelli, Grenoble, France
- Unité mixte CNRS/Thales, R. Lebrun, Paris, France
- Laboratoire national des champs magnétiques intenses LNCMI, Anne-Laure Barra, Grenoble, France
- Laboratoire IRAMIS/SPEC/LNMO, M. Viret, J. B. Moussy, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
- Laboratoire Charles Coulomb L2C, V. Jacques, Montpellier, France
- Centre interdisciplinaire de nanoscience de Marseille CINAM, L. Michez, A. Manchon, France
- TU Dresde / Uni. Constance, S. Goennenwein, H. Reichlova, Germany
- Johannes Gutenberg University JGU, L. Smejkal, J. Sinova, H. Gomonay, Mayence, Germany
- Fritz Haber Institute FHI, T. Kampfrath, Berlin, Germany
- The University of York, R. L. Evans, S. Jenkins, UK
- Catalan Institution for Research ICREA, J. Sort, Barcelona, Spain
- Laboratoire de physique des solides LPS, A. Mougin, Orsay, France
- Laboratoire d’optique et de magnétisme de Bretagne OPTIMAG, D. Spenato, Brest, France
- King Abdullah University of science and technology KAUST, A. Manchon, Thuwal, Saoudi Arabia
- Groupe de physique des matériaux GPM, L. Lechevallier and D. Ledue, Rouen, France
- CROCUS Technology, Grenoble, France
Recent news
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