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Spintec Positioned at the crossroad of science and technology, SPINTEC (SPINtronique et TEchnologie des Composants, is one of the leading spintronics research laboratories worldwide. SPINTEC was created in 2002 and rapidly expanded to currently reach 100 peoples, of which 43 permanent staff from CEA, CNRS and Grenoble-Alpes University. The lab aims at bridging the […]

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Paul Noël has been awarded one out of the 9 awards of the University Grenoble Alpes, for PhDs defended in 2019. Paul Noël conducted his PhD work at SPINTEC, under the co-supervision of Jean-Philippe Attané and Laurent Vila, in the Spinorbitronics team. Part of the work has been conducted in collaboration with UMPhy CNRS/Thales. The […]

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Le blog Sciences2 du journal Le Monde du 23 avril 2020 La nouvelle nous vient de la revue Nature de ce matin. Où une équipe française annonce une rupture énergétique en micro-électronique. Et plus exactement en spintronique, la technologie des mémoires de vos téléphones portables et ordinateurs qui a valu son prix Nobel de Physique […]

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Electron spin—a fundamentally quantum property—is central to spintronics, a technology that revolutionized data storage, and that could play a major role in creating new computer processors. In order to generate and detect spin currents, spintronics traditionally uses ferromagnetic materials whose magnetization switching consume high amounts of energy. In the April 22, 2020 issue of Nature, […]

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Atsufumi Hirohata, Keisuke Yamada, Yoshinobu Nakatani, Ioan-Lucian Prejbeanu, Bernard Diény, Philipp Pirro, Burkard Hillebrands Spintronics is one of the emerging fields for the next-generation nanoelectronic devices to reduce their power consumption and to increase their memory and processing capabilities. Such devices utilise the spin degree of freedom of electrons and/or holes, which can also interact […]

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L’Usine Nouvelle, magazine dédié à l’industrie, met en avant la spintronique avec une série d’articles, dont deux sur des startups de SPINTEC: La France est au top niveau mondial dans la spintronique [Made in France] La pépite Antaïos réinvente la mémoire magnétique Hprobe, la pépite française qui veut accélérer le test de mémoires et capteurs […]

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HProbe press release 2020-01

Hprobe passe à la vitesse supérieure. Après avoir levé 300 000 euros en avril 2018, la start-up issue de SPINTEC et spécialiste du test magnétique de composants semi-conducteurs vient de boucler un deuxième tour de table de 2 millions d’euros. Parmi les investisseurs figurent le fond d’investissement taïwanais ITIC et l’équipementier japonais de production de […]

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COMRAD – An H2020 ITN project

Overview COMRAD is an H2020 ITN projet (2020-2024). It will explore novel routes for the fastest possible and least dissipative magnetic switching in random access devices by bringing together the two disciplines of ultrafast magnetism and spin-orbitronics, creating sub-100 ps stimuli in spin-orbitronics and pushing the latter into a regime beyond the limitations of equilibrium […]

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Lab days 2019

Lab days 2019

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On Nov 26th 2019, SPINTEC PhD students and post-docs welcome a group of other early-carrier scientists from the Grenoble GIANT Campus. The GIANT Orientation Day is a federative event intended for students from all institutes and companies on Grenoble Giant campus to meet and network. It is also the opportunity to know more about what […]

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