INTERMAG is the annual conference of the IEEE Magnetics Society. It typically gathers between 1500 and 1700 attendees. This is the main conference on applied magnetism in the world. It follows a 4 years cycle and comes back to Europe every 4 years. The latest edition was in Dublin in April 2017. SPINTEC put together […]

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In the frame of our ELECSPIN ANR project [1], we have an open position for a 12 months post-doc position. ELECSPIN project aims at developing spintronics devices based on manipulating magnetic properties by an electric field in oxides/ferromagnetic metal structures. The goal is to develop electric field assisted spin-transfer torque magnetic random access memories (STT-MRAM) […]

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2 years postdoc position opening at SPINTEC in the framework of the H2020 EU FET-OPEN SPICE (2017-2020) project on “Development of optically sensitive storage layer materials to be integrated in magnetic tunnel junctions” Spin Transfer Torque Random Access Memories (STT-RAM) are focusing an increasing interest in microelectronics industry due to their non-volatility, speed, density, downsize […]

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On September, 12, we have the pleasure to welcome in Spintec Andy Thomas from the Leibniz-Institute for Solid State and Materials Research in Dresden. At 14H, we will give a seminar on “Atomic layer deposited HfO2-based magnetic tunnel junctions”. Magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) consist of two ferromagnetic electrodes separated by a thin insulating tunnel barrier. […]

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The CEA/INAC SPINTEC and SyMMES labs offer an 18 months post-doctoral position on the development of magnetically actuated metamaterials prototypes for biotechnology applications. This work is part of the ABIOMATER European FET project, with the general goal of developing bio-inspired metamaterials [1]. This project aims at the creation of a new class of magnetically actuated […]

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On Monday, the 17th Of July 2017 at 12h00, Anike PURBAWATI from DRF/INAC/SPINTEC, will defend her PhD thesis entitled “Frequency modulation of Spin Torque Nano-Oscillators (STNOs) for wireless communication applications” Place : Amphithéâtre Bergès – Grenoble INP-ENSE3 (site de GreEN-ER) 21 Avenue des Martyrs 38000 Grenoble Spin Transfer Nano-Oscillators (STNOs) are a novel type of […]

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on July, 12th, 14H, Steven Lequeux from Spintec, will give a seminar on “Neuromorphic computing : From a memristive device to the learning process”. The seminar will take place in Building 10.05, room 434. In the current context of information technology, the sequential processing carried out by classical computer architectures stumbles on problems of energy […]

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Dr. Alexey A. Kovalev from University of Nebraska in Lincoln (USA) will visit Spintec and give the seminar on July 10 at 14:00 entitled “Magnon-mediated spin Nernst effect and pumping of spin current in a collinear antiferromagnet” Date: Monday July 10 at 14:00 Place: CEA/Spintec, Bat. 1005, room 434 Abstract: We predict that a temperature […]

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Prof. M. Chshiev is a theoretical physicist specializing on theory of spintronic phenomena in magnetic nanostructures and electronic structure of materials for spintronics. His background comprises both condensed matter theory and computational material science approaches including ab-initio, tight binding, free electron and diffusive approaches. He is Head of Theory Group at SPINTEC and have been […]

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On June 27 at 11h Prof. Evgeny Tsymbal from University of Nebraska will give a talk entitled “Spintronics with Ferroelectrics” Place : l’amphithéâtre Laurent Puech (2-D-004) in GreEN-ER building “Spintronics with Ferroelectrics” Ferroelectric materials are characterized by a spontaneous electric polarization switchable by an applied electric field. If such a ferroelectric is interfaced with another […]

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