On September, 28, we will have the pleasure to welcome Xiaofeng Jin from Fudan University, China in Spintec. At 11H, we will give his IEEE Distinguished lecture on “The Hall Effects Edwin Hall Never Imagined” in Spintec, bat 10.05, room 434 A. The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) is one of the oldest and most prominent […]

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On September 28, we have the pleasure to welcome Dr H.Yoda from Toshiba in Spintec. At 14 H, in room 434 A, he will give a seminar on Voltage-Control Spintronics Memory having potentials for high-speed and high-density applications with ultralow energy consumption.

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On Friday, the 06th Of October 2017 at 13h30, Liliana BUDA-PREJBEANU from DRF/INAC/SPINTEC, will defend her HDR (has the Ability to Supervise Research) entitled “Modelling of spintronic devices: from basic operation mechanisms toward optimization” Place : Amphithéâtre Z108 de Phelma MINATEC, 3 Parvis Louis Néel – 38000 GRENOBLE</span style=”color:#FF0000″> Nowadays the spintronic related phenomena are […]

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On Monday, the 18th Of September 2017 at 14h00, Jérémy LOPES from DRF/INAC/SPINTEC, will defend his PhD thesis entitled “Design of an Innovative Asynchronous, Non-Volatile Integrated Circuit for Space Applications” Place : LIRMM, 161 rue Ada 34095 Montpellier, salle de séminaire du LIRMM </span style=”color:#FF0000″> Today, there are several ways to develop microelectronic circuits adapted […]

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On september, 21, we have the pleasure to welcome Amalio Fernández-Pacheco from Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge in Spintec. At 11H, in room 434 A, he will give a seminar entitled “Advanced fabrication and characterisation of three-dimensional magnetic nanowires for applications in spintronics”. Three-dimensional nanomagnetism is an exciting new area of research [1], with potential […]

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MATEMAC3D – An ANR project

Overview The objective of the project is to combine all key ingredients for modern Spintronics and SpinOrbitronics modeling within a novel and original non-commercial multi-physics software. These key ingredients are the appropriate spin transport equations that are easy-implementable in a numerical solver, the simultaneous resolution of the spin-dependent transport and magnetization dynamics, and finally the […]

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OISO – An ANR project

The ANR project OISO (OxIde-based SpinOrbitronics) explores the potential of transition metal oxide (TMO) perovskites for SpinOrbitronics. SpinOrbitronics exploits the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) to obtain spin currents without ferromagnets (FM), more efficient torques to switch magnetization and reduced heat dissipation for low power scalable devices. TMO constitute a material platform of structurally well-matched compounds including […]

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In relation with the ERC of Chief Scientists Bernard Diény, SPINTEC has been invited to be presented in the 23rd issue of Science and Technology of Pan European Networks. Pan European Networks is an independent portal devoted to providing the most relevant and up to date information for the use of not only the European Commission, […]

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The medal of innovation of CNRS is granted yearly to one or a few persons having conducted ground-breaking research, which led to key innovation in technology, life or social sectors. Since 2011, this distinction has been awarded for outstanding scientific research leading to a remarkable innovation, whether in the technological, therapeutic or societal fields. Jean-Pierre […]

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On September, 13, we will have the pleasure to welcome Hendrik Ohldag from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California, USA in Spintec. At 11H, we will give his IEEE Distinguished lecture on “Ultrafast and Very Small: Discover Nanoscale Magnetism With Picosecond Time Resolution Using X-Rays” in Spintec, bat 10.05, room 434 A. Today’s magnetic […]

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