TOPRISE – An ANR project

The ANR project TOPRISE project aims at studying and exploiting Topological Insulator and Rashba Interface States for Spin Electronics. Most spintronics devices are today based on the manipulation of spin currents that do not carry electrical charges but can be described as equal flows of electrons with opposite spins in opposite directions. The main operations […]

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ELECSPIN – An ANR project

Objectives ELECSPIN project has just been accepted at the 2016 ANR call. This collaborative research project aims to investigate the advanced concept of radically new nanoelectronics devices based on the electric-field control of spin-based phenomena and establish proof of principle demonstrations of multi-terminal energy efficient memory nano devices.  The main  objectives are: To explore, understand and optimize the physical mechanisms of […]

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SPINTEC has developed over the last decade many tools for integrating spintronic devices into standard CMOS microelectronics : design tools have been developed and elementary proofs of concept circuits have been built and tested. The integration of these elementary building blocks into more complex digital circuits at the IP or system level represents today a […]

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We learned with great sadness that our former colleague Sébastien Bandiera passed away this week in a mountain accident. Sébastien performed a very successful PhD work in SPINTEC on memory cells involving thermally-assisted switching, spin-transfer torque and perpendicular anisotropy. He joined Crocus Technology right after his defense, in November 2011, in the R&D team for materials.

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Several key staff of SPINTEC have been attending the 7th MRAM Global Innovation Forum organized by SAMSUNG, which was held in Zürich, Switzerland.

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Overview GREAT (European H2020 project) was accepted at the Summer 2015. Its kick-off meeting took place at SPINTEC in Grenoble on February 22nd-23rd 2016. The project aims at developing magnetic stacks able to equally perform memory, radio-frequency as well as sensor functionalities on the same chip, to address Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The main objectives of […]

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A new research project has been accepted at the last FET H2020 call. The objective of SPICE is to realize a novel integration platform that combines photonic, magnetic and electronic components. Its validity will be shown by a conceptually new spintronic-photonic memory chip demonstrator with three orders of magnitude faster write speed and two orders […]

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January 1st 2016 brings at SPINTEC: the arrival of 10 new researchers from the former INAC/SP2M/NM lab Jean-Philippe Attané; Cyrille Beigné; Ariel Brenac; Matthieu Jamet; Alain Marty; Robert Morel; Lucien Notin; Céline Vergnaud; Laurent Vila; Patrick Warin (Welcome to them!)  as well as a new management team (Lucian Prejbeanu – director / Olivier Fruchart – deputy director) . Lucian conducted research on […]

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Bernard Dieny from INAC/SPINTEC received the thematic Prize « Adrien Constantin de Magny » for his research in nanomagnetism and spin-electronics. His research results already found applications in hard disk drives used in computers as well as magnetic memories and should allow the development of very low power electronic circuits in the near future. Bernard […]

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