SPINTEC laboratory contributes to cutting-edge research in Spintronics. The first mission is to produce new fundamental knowledge and innovation. The second mission is to contribute to the higher education of young scientists in the field, through temporary involvement in our projects. Expertise and human involvement is key in these activities, and as such there are many opportunities to join and work with us:

Open positions

  • [POSITION FILLED] Postdoctoral position on RF spintronics for IoT [February 09th, 2023]
    Context: In the frame a European project, SPINTEC has an opening for a postdoctoral position to develop rf detectors for IoT applications. The project goal is to improve the rf-to-dc conversion efficiency of specific magnetic tunnel ...
  • Assistant Professor position – Design of spintronic circuits for artificial intelligence [February 03rd, 2023]
      SPINTEC is opening a tenured assistant professor/lecturer position in the field of frugal digital electronics, design of embedded systems, design of digital architectures in disruptive technologies (MCF section 61-63). The recruited person will carry out ...
  • One year post-doctoral position: short-loop approach for MBE-grown FCGT 2D materials studied by ARPES microscopy (SPINTEC/LETI) [December 01st, 2022]
    Context: CEA has recently committed to an ambitious, long-term, EU-driven research project focused on materials innovation in order to implement green and digital transitions in a sustainable way and inclusive for society. The accelerated development ...
  • Masters thesis projects for Spring 2023 [September 21st, 2022]
    You find here the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place at Spintec during Spring 2023. In most cases, these internships are intended to be suitable for a longer-term PhD work. Interested Master-1 ...
  • R&D Engineer position proposal [September 12th, 2022]
    Title: Design for memory/logic devices Keywords: Design, post-CMOS electronics, spintronics, architectures, ferroelectrics, magneto-electric spin-orbit Summary:Spintronics devices involve ferromagnetic elements with high switching energies. Contrastingly, the polarization of ferroelectrics can be easily switched by an electric field, at ...

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