A fluctuating magnetic order allows more spins to pass through an interface (February 26th, 2016)
Bringing a ferromagnetic layer to resonance creates non-equilibrium magnetization dynamics which generates a spin current. The spin current propagates from the ferromagnet into a neighboring layer if permitted by the interface. This is equivalent to saying that the air-flow generated by rotating the blades of a fan can propagate in a neighboring room if the […]
Read moreDes skyrmions magnétiques observés à température ambiante (February 09th, 2016)
Ces structures magnétiques nanométriques ont été observées à températures ambiante dans des matériaux compatibles avec l’industrie électronique. Ces résultats font sauter un verrou important quant à l’utilisation des skyrmions comme vecteur d’information à l’échelle nanométrique dans nos ordinateurs.
Read moreSoutenance de thèse – Antoine CHAVENT (January 15th, 2016)
Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 14H00, Phelma MINATEC – Amphithéâtre M001 (3 Parvis Louis Néel – 38016 Grenoble) Monsieur Antoine CHAVENT du DSM/INAC/SPINTEC soutiendra une thèse intitulée « Réduction du champ d’écriture de mémoires magnétiques à écriture assistée thermiquement à l’aide du couple de transfert de spin » Les mémoires magnétiques à accès aléatoire (MRAM) développées par […]
Read moreNew management team / arrival of NM lab researchers (January 11th, 2016)
January 1st 2016 brings at SPINTEC: the arrival of 10 new researchers from the former INAC/SP2M/NM lab Jean-Philippe Attané; Cyrille Beigné; Ariel Brenac; Matthieu Jamet; Alain Marty; Robert Morel; Lucien Notin; Céline Vergnaud; Laurent Vila; Patrick Warin (Welcome to them!) as well as a new management team (Lucian Prejbeanu – director / Olivier Fruchart – deputy director) . Lucian conducted research on […]
Read moreImproving writing properties of TAS-MRAM by changing the voltage pulse shape (January 11th, 2016)
During writing of Thermally Assisted Switching Magnetic Random Access Memory (TAS-MRAM), the torque due to a voltage pulse may be used to help writing. As part of collaboration between Spintec and Crocus Technology, we brought out that most of the influence of the spin transfer torque is exerted during the last part of the voltage […]
Read moreMagnetic Origami (January 08th, 2016)
Magnetic Origami Magnetic devices made from the same thin film and subjected to the same electric excitation switch opposite to each other due to their different shape. Mihai MIRON The magic about the art of paper folding is that from the same sheet of paper one can create so many different objects. Unfortunately, the functionality […]
Read moreGiant enhancement of magnetic effect will benefit spintronics (January 08th, 2016)
Giant enhancement of magnetic effect will benefit spintronics Researchers from Spintec have demonstrated that coating a cobalt film in graphene doubles the film’s perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA), so that it reaches a value 20 times higher than that of traditional metallic cobalt/platinum multilayers that are being researched for this property. In a material with a […]
Read moreMeilleurs voeux 2016! Happy New Year 2016! (January 08th, 2016)
Thematic Prize 2015 Adrien Constantin de Magny awarded to Bernard DIENY by the French Sciences Academy (December 11th, 2015)
Bernard Dieny from INAC/SPINTEC received the thematic Prize « Adrien Constantin de Magny » for his research in nanomagnetism and spin-electronics. His research results already found applications in hard disk drives used in computers as well as magnetic memories and should allow the development of very low power electronic circuits in the near future. Bernard […]
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