Research team Microwave devices, within the Concepts group
Seminar – Nanometer thick Bismuth doped Yttrium Iron Garnet films and their applications (October 14th, 2022)
SPINTEC welcome for a postdoc Lucile Soumah. On Friday, November 18th at 11:00 she will give us a seminar on her previous research (UMR CNRS Thales : PHD and Stockholm Univ. : postdoc) entitled: Nanometer thick Bismuth doped Yttrium Iron Garnet films and their applications Place : CEA Bat. 10.05 Room 445 (limited to persons […]
Read moreMasters thesis projects for Spring 2023 (September 21st, 2022)
You find here the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place at Spintec during Spring 2023. In most cases, these internships are intended to be suitable for a longer-term PhD work. Interested Master-1 students are also encouraged to apply, as well as students not phased for a Spring internship, especially those coming from […]
Read more[POSITION FILLED] Post-doctoral position (August 04th, 2022)
Context: In the frame of different European and French national projects, SPINTEC has several openings for postdoctoral positions. The projects consider memory, microwave and sensor functionalities to develop novel hardware concepts for unconventional computing, to demonstrate wireless communications applications and to develop novel concepts for wide-range magnetic field sensors. Position: The tasks include nanofabrication of […]
Read morePEPR SPIN – Priority Programs and Equipment for Exploratory Research (July 29th, 2022)
France is investing more than 38M€ in Spintronics thanks to the PEPR-SPIN exploratory program! SPIN is among the 13 new exploratory programs winners of the second wave of calls for projects Priority Programs and Equipment for Exploratory Research (PEPR). Funded by France 2030, this action (€1 billion) aims to launch research programs in emerging scientific […]
Read moreSTOCHNET – An ANR project (December 09th, 2021)
STOCHNET stands for Hybrid Stochastic Tunnel Junction Circuits for Optimization and Inference. The motivation behind StochNet is to explore — through experimental demonstrations with hybrid CMOS stochastic tunnel junction circuits and simulations of theoretical architectures — the technological feasibility of recently explored brain inspired computing frameworks that point towards neural stochasticity as being fundamental to […]
Read moreSeminar – Topological transverse transport effects and non-local magnon spin transport (November 04th, 2021)
On Tuesday, November 16th at 13:30 Richard Schlitz from Magnetism and Interface Physics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland will give us a seminar entitled: Topological transverse transport effects and non-local magnon spin transport Place : CEA Bat. 10.05 Room 445 (limited to persons having a CEA Badge) skype link : if this link does not work […]
Read moreMasters thesis projects for Spring 2022 (September 17th, 2021)
You find here the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place at Spintec during Spring 2022. In most cases, these internships are intended to be suitable for a longer-term PhD work. Interested Master-1 students are also encouraged to apply, as well as students not phased for a Spring internship, especially those coming from […]
Read more[POSITION FILLED] Post-doctoral positions – Coupled nano-oscillator arrays for brain inspired computing (August 04th, 2021)
SPINTEC laboratory (Grenoble, France), in collaboration with CEA-LETI, has currently two postdoc position openings to work on theory (12 month) and on experiment (18 month) of coupled oscillator arrays for implementing neuromorphic and unconventional computing schemes. The candidates should have experience in any of the following areas: spintronics, (spin-torque-driven) magnetization dynamics, neuromorphic computing, dynamical systems, […]
Read moreSpin-information transported over long-distances at room temperature in the ultra-low damping hematite antiferromagnet (February 09th, 2021)
A consortium led by physicists at JGU Mainz, in collaboration with CNRS/Thales Palaiseau, SPINTEC and LNCMI Grenoble, and NTNU Trondheim, demonstrated that transporting spin-information at room temperature and over long distances is within reach. They established and took advantage of two remarkable features of the insulating hematite antiferromagnet. Firstly, it can carry spin-information via current-induced […]
Read moreSpinSpike – An ANR project (January 19th, 2021)
SpinSpike stands for Spintronic Spiking Neurons. It is a 42-month-long ANR project (2021/2024). Spintronics has recently shown its promise for neuromorphic computing, but is lacking an essential ingredient of biological neural networks: spiking neurons. In this context, the objective of SpinSpike project is to explore novel approaches of spiking neurons using magnetic tunnel junctions. Building […]
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