Research team Spin insulatronics, within the Concepts group


On Wednesday April 17th, at 14:00 Eric Clot (SPINTEC) will defend in English his PhD thesis entitled : Nuts and bolts approach to developing a nitrogen-vacancy microscope inside an electromagnet Place : IRIG/SPINTEC, CEA Building 10.05, auditorium 445 (access needs authorization request it before 7th to admin.spintec@cea.fr) video conference : https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/92705963806?pwd=V0xDbkFsUXJiNE0wanI3SEYrK2lxQT09 Meeting ID: 927 0596 3806 Passcode: Eu1igm Abstract : […]

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The spin diode

Spin electronics applies to a wide range of materials: metals, where spin is transported by electrons, but also magnetic insulators, where spin is transported by magnons. The latter are of interest because in certain insulators, such as yttrium iron garnet (YIG), it is predicted that one could reach a state of superfluidity, i.e. spin transport […]

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Congratulation to Eric Clot and Libor Vojacek, PhD candidates at SPINTEC who won two out of the six best poster awards at Colloque Louis Néel 2023. Their contributions were Development of a NV-center microscope for spin-wave spectroscopy and Spin transport in CrXY monolayers: multiscale computational study, respectively. Colloque Louis Néel is the 18-monthly meeting of […]

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seminar – Magnon Angular Momenta

On Tuesday, October 17th 2023, we have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Thierry Valet. He will give us a seminar at 14:00 entitled : Magnon Angular Momenta Place : IRIG/SPINTEC, auditorium 445 CEA Building 10.05 (access to CEA (*)) Zoom Link : https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/94159711060?pwd=SFNxRzhYcVZvOCtLOFE1R0s5RXcrUT09 Meeting ID: 941 5971 1060 Passcode: EUU5uB Abstract : The spin […]

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Eric CLOT est chercheur doctoral à SPINTEC. Son travail concerne le développement d’un microscope quantique dit à centre NV, et son application à l’étude de systèmes spintroniques. Son portrait a été réalisé par l’Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire de Grenoble, auquel est rattaché SPINTEC.

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A new form of spintronic is emerging, exploiting electrical insulators. Recent spectroscopic studies performed at SPINTEC have revealed the coherent coupling that may establish between two distant macrospins separated by a non-magnetic dielectric spacer via circularly-polarized acoustic phonons that carry angular momentum information. This long-range effect represents an important progress in magnonics and spin wave […]

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You find here the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place at Spintec during Spring 2023. In most cases, these internships are intended to be suitable for a longer-term PhD work. Interested Master-1 students are also encouraged to apply, as well as students not phased for a Spring internship, especially those coming from […]

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SPINTEC welcome visitors from Department of Physics, York University, UK. Two of them will give 2 seminars entitled: Enhanced magnon transport through an amorphous magnetic insulator (Stuart Cavill) Non-destructive imaging on buried interfaces in spintronic devices and beyond (Atsufumi Hirohata) Date : Thursday, September 8th  from 11:15 to 12:45 Place : CEA Bat. 10.05 Room […]

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France is investing more than 38M€ in Spintronics thanks to the PEPR-SPIN exploratory program! SPIN is among the 13 new exploratory programs winners of the second wave of calls for projects Priority Programs and Equipment for Exploratory Research (PEPR). Funded by France 2030, this action (€1 billion) aims to launch research programs in emerging scientific […]

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Description of Group/Project: A joint program between the Université Grenoble-Alpes and the University of Tokyo seeks to appoint a creative and motivated experimental Ph.D. student to participate in an ongoing project on spin manipulation by chiral phonons. The position will be funded by the LANEF chair of excellence, Prof. YoshiChika Otani, which brings together leading […]

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