Our team aims at manipulating spins currents in nanostructures, in particular in quantum materials with Dirac fermions, such as topological insulators or Weyl semimetals, or at oxide interfaces. Some important aspects of future spintronics devices, such as the efficient spin-charge interconversion at interfaces or the ballistic transport of spin states for quantum interconnects, are studied by magneto-transport measurements.
Research topics
Spin-Charge interconversion

Nanostructure made of a horizontal stripe of spin Hall effect material, with two vertical ferromagnetic electrodes to probe the spin accumulation or to inject spin currents. The nanostructure allows probing both the charge-to-spin (left) and spin-to-charge (right) conversions due to the spin-orbit coupling.
Control of magnetization

Nanostructure possessing NiFe nanowires, in which magnetic domain walls can propagate. When located at the vicinity of the Cu nanowire, the domain wall can be used to inject or detect pure spin currents.
Ballistic spin currents

The ballistic surface Dirac fermions in a 3D topological insulator propagate on the cristal faces of a quantum wire. The well-defined cross section gives flux-periodic Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of the resistance, due to quantum interference, for a magnetic induction applied parallel to the nanowire. The spin-helical surface modes offer new possibilities to build quantum spintronics devices of simple geometry, either for dissipationless long-range interconnects or local spin filtering controled by a magnetic field or an electrostatic gate.
The team
Former members
- Yu FU (2015-2016)
- Juan Carlos ROJAS SANCHEZ (2010-2013)
- Yu FU (2015-2016, 2018-2019)
- Andrei Mihai (2006-2009)
- Van Dai Nguyen (2009-2012)
- Piotr Laczkowski (2009-2012)
- Williams Savero-Torres (2011-2014)
- Pham Van Tuong (2014–2017)
- Gilles Zhand (2014-2017)
- Toshiki Gushi (2016-2019)
- Paul Noël (2016-2019)
- Aoyu Tan (2018-2021)
- Valentin Labracherie (2017-2021)
- Maxen Cosset-Cheneau (2019-2022)
- Sambit Ghosh (2019-2022)
- Williams Savero-Torres (2011)
- Gilles Zahnd (2014)
- Paul Noël (2016)
- Maxen Cosset-Cheneau (2018)
- Timothé Faivre (2009)
- Hélène Durand (2005)
- Andrei Mihai (2006)
- Carl Naylor (2011)
- Quentin Thiburce (2013)
- Clément Nguyen (2013)
- Sarah Ferry (2009)
- Cédric Mannequin (2008)
- Quentin Riffard (2010)
- Willy Lim (2016)
- Matthieu Praquin (2018)
- Marie-Paule Okinda (2020)
- Sara Varotto (2019-2020)
- ANR Contrabass (2020-2023)
- ITN H2020 Spears (2021-2024)
- ANR Oiso (2017-2021)
- ISP Idex UGA DOMINO (2018-2021)
- FET Proactive H2020 Tocha (2019-2023)
- IRS Idex UGA (2017-2020)
- Tsukuba University (Japan)
- Unité mixte de Physique CNRS/Thalès (Orsay)
- Néel Institute (Grenoble)
- Leti (Grenoble)
- Institut Jean Lamour (Nancy)
- Leibniz Institute IFW (Dresden)
- Technical University (Dresden)
Recent news
- Seminar – Nernst effect experiments in magnetic thin films (November 04th, 2019)
On November 28th at 15:00, we have the pleasure to welcome Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein from Institut für Festkörper- und Materialphysik and Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat, Technische Universität Dresden (Germany). He will give us ... - PhD defense – Spin transfer in a magnetic insulator (October 25th, 2019)
On Thursday 28th of November at 10h00 Nicolas THIERY, will defend his thesis entitled : Spin transfer in a magnetic insulator (Transfert de spin dans un isolant magnétique) Place : CEA 17 rue des Martyrs, bat 1005 ... - PhD defense – Dynamical spin injection and spin to charge current conversion in oxide-based Rashba interfaces and topological insulators (October 25th, 2019)
On Thursday 14th of November at 14h00 Paul NOËL, will defend his thesis entitled : Dynamical spin injection and spin to charge current conversion in oxide-based Rashba interfaces and topological insulators Place : CEA 17 rue des ... - Masters thesis projects for Spring 2020 (September 30th, 2019)
You find here the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place at Spintec during Spring 2020. In most cases, these internships are intended to be suitable for a longer-term PhD work. Interested Master-1 ... - Mapping spin-charge conversion in a topological oxide 2DEG (September 16th, 2019)
Spin-charge conversion phenomena harnessing the spin orbit coupling are promising for the future of spintronics, allowing in one way (charge–to-spin) the generation of torque on magnetic elements and in the other way (spin-to-charge) the detection ...